.. _sprout-array-array-initializer-: ############################################################################### (initializer) ############################################################################### Remarks ======================================== | An array is an aggregate that can be initialized with the syntax .. sourcecode:: c++ array a = { initializer-list }; | where initializer-list is a comma-separated list of up to N elements whose types are convertible to T. Examples ======================================== .. sourcecode:: c++ #include using namespace sprout; SPROUT_STATIC_CONSTEXPR auto input = array{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}}; Complexity ======================================== | Recursive function invocations in *O(1)* (constant) depth. Header ======================================== | ``sprout/array/array.hpp`` | Convenience header: ``sprout/array.hpp``